In Bonds Of Sacrifice



by Wheldrake

Regen, a young man from the village of East Elving, was only taking a bag of apples to the Priestess Enlid as a thank-you for her judgment in his family’s favour. The Priestess, of course, as with all Priestesses, had a duty to remain impartial but to administer not only binding judgments but also punishment when the situation demanded it.

Priestesses Enlid was inexperienced, young, beautiful, and in fact this was her first appointment. Even so, she recognised Regen’s potential to become a Dedicate, a submissive to serve the Priestesses and the Goddess forever, to submit to the sexual whims of Priestesses and other powerful women, and to endure their sadistic punishments.

First, however, the young man would need to be trained. It was a task that Priestess Enlid was going to enjoy…

Published: 7 / 2011
No. words: 78900


Regen swallowed hard, and imitated Prethis by lifting his chin and looking straight ahead. He was nervous but hardly terrified as he lifted his upturned palms and held them at the ready, offering them up to Enlid and her strap. Of course it was going to hurt, but how bad could it really feel to be smacked across the hand with a bit of leather?

“Are you ready, boy?”

He did not think Enlid had ever called him “boy” before, and the epithet made him want to grit his teeth. “Whenever you are, Mother,” he said aloud, his voice as steady as he could make it.

She hit him hard, without further preamble. The strap seemed to explode across his palm, stinging as badly as anything he had ever felt in his life, and he yelped and instantly put his hands behind his back. Had Enlid really meant to hit him that hard? How could she bear to be so cruel?

Enlid sighed and slapped his arm with the strap, lightly but with an air of definite annoyance. “Hands up, Regen. And this time keep them there, unless you want me to do something rather worse than this while Prethis holds you down.”

“I’m sorry, Mother,” he all but moaned, reluctantly moving his hands back into position. He felt ashamed of his weakness, especially after Prethis’ display of fortitude, but the very thought of being hit like that nineteen more times filled him with dread. “It fucking hurt!” he protested aloud.

“This isn’t exactly supposed to be enjoyable for you, Regen. Now hold still and try to accept your punishment with some semblance of dignity.”

He nodded and clenched his teeth, knowing what was coming. He gave an abject whimper when the strap came down like a thunderbolt on his other hand, but at least this time he was prepared for the sudden intensity of the pain. He managed to hold still as the strapping continued, apart from trembling a little and shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His hands stayed where they were, slowly growing warmer and redder as the strap made their acquaintance again and again, and he moaned and mewled but did not plead for mercy. He saw Enlid’s face, beautiful and impassive, through a blur of tears.

“Enough,” she said finally, and Regen gasped in relief and let his hands fall to his sides. Enlid found a cloth and wiped his eyes and nose, with a gentleness that seemed miraculous after the pain she had just inflicted.

“As far as I’m concerned,” she told him firmly, “all is forgiven and you are now on your way to becoming Dedicated. You will learn, with time, to accept discipline more gracefully. Prethis and I both had to.”

He blinked in surprise. “Does that mean even Priestesses get punished from time to time, Mother?”

“I was thinking of my novice days,” she said a little ruefully. “I certainly got punished then, and once or twice it was even Prethis who wielded the rod. Novices get turned over to Myrmidons to be thrashed when the Priestesses are feeling lazy. This is the first chance I’ve had to return the favour, and I trust it will be the last.”

“I hope so, Mother,” said Prethis with a wry smile.

“Do you have more work for me, Mother?” Regen sniffled. “Do you want me to finish moving the things out to the barn?”

“That can wait. It’s getting late, and we all need dinner. I assume your flesh-mother puts you to work in the kitchen sometimes, Regen.”

“Yes, when there’s something simple to be done. I’m not really much of a cook, Mother.”

“Can you manage a vegetable stew?”

“Yes, of course, Mother.”

“Then that’s what you’ll prepare for the four of us.” Regen had almost forgotten Rialta, but it stood to reason that she would have to be fed as well. “Everything you need should be in the pantry,” Enlid continued. “Prethis and I have things to discuss as you work. You can draw us each a mug of ale from the cask, and then start on dinner.”

“Yes, Mother.”

“And Regen?”

“Yes, Mother?”

“I want you to do it without clothes. Take your loincloth off at once.”

“Mother?” He stared at her, wondering if he had heard correctly. Prethis gave an amused chuckle, but said nothing.

“Is there a problem, Regen?” Enlid asked with a knowing smile.

“I – I can’t understand why you would want me naked, Mother. Is it for Prethis’, um, pleasure?”

“Partly,” Enlid replied coolly. “And partly to make you feel vulnerable and subservient, which is the proper mindset of a Dedicated slave – especially a male. But mostly, Regen, I want you naked so that I’ll be able to see your cock, and your balls, and your ass.”

“But Mother, you’re a virgin Priestess of the Goddess!” Regen gasped.

“Get your loincloth off now, Regen,” she said firmly.

He was desperately nervous and embarrassed, not to mention confused. He still could not understand why a woman sworn to perpetual chastity would want to see him naked, and anyway he had always assumed that he would reveal his body only to the woman he married. He supposed that Dedicated servants probably had to strip off sometimes to be punished, and he doubted they were always allowed to bathe or use the privy in complete privacy, but undressing just to be looked at was another matter. Worse yet, his discomfiture did not prevent him from finding the idea of removing his loincloth in front of Enlid and Prethis rather disturbingly arousing, and his cock was stiff as a board. What were they going to think if they saw him naked and erect? He could feel his face burning, to the point where he was sure his cheeks were just as red as his beaten hands, and for a moment he was determined to tell Enlid that this was simply too much and he did not want to Dedicate himself to the Goddess after all. Perhaps it was only because he feared disappointing the Goddess Herself that he resisted the impulse, took a deep breath, and loosened the knot that held his loincloth in place. He stood before Enlid and Prethis stark naked, his cock rising stiffly from its tangle of coarse brown hair.

“Come here,” Enlid said instantly. “No, closer. That’s more like it. Put your hands behind you.” She rested her own hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes, her face and body only inches from his. “Now, Regen,” she continued in a slow, emphatic voice, “let me tell you what it’s like to be a virgin Priestess. Because of my vows, one small, specific part of me is consecrated to the Eternal Mother and off limits as an avenue of passion. It’s not an easy thing. For all my power and prestige in East Elving, I am forbidden to enjoy a pleasure that the lowest, coarsest farm girl or milkmaid can experience on her wedding night, or even earlier if she can find a willing young man. You can’t imagine the frustration I’ve felt because of that, the tears I’ve shed late at night. But there are other pleasures that are not forbidden, and plenty of other things I can do with a handsome male body.”

Without warning, she dropped her fingers to his nipples, gently kneading and massaging them. The unfamiliar sensation made him gasp and draw back a little, only to feel Prethis suddenly grab his buttocks. She had obviously come up behind him very quietly.

Enlid laughed and moved in again, her prodding hands ranging freely over his torso. “The point is, Regen, that I still have needs, and other Priestesses are exactly the same.”

“To say nothing of us Myrmidons,” Prethis chuckled. She still had a double handful of his bare ass, and Enlid did not seem to have any intention of calling her off. Regen was astonished and disconcerted and desperately aroused. This was a whole new dimension of his servitude, one that he had never suspected might exist. He was apparently going to be a sex slave, just like in the wild stories from Ceriath.

“Oh, yes, I know Myrmidons can be demanding too,” Enlid remarked cheerfully. “But in my experience, male and female Myrmidons are generally quite straightforward in their desires. With novices and Priestesses, it’s a little different. Being denied the most obvious and natural pleasure of womanhood makes us inventive, and perverse, and rather cruel. If you become Dedicated, Regen, your body will be the plaything of some of the most twisted women in all Averrain.” She smiled at him, reached down, and took hold of his balls. A minute ago, instinct had made him want to pull away; now he had to restrain himself from grinding into her, from trying to fuck her wrist. He sighed helplessly and spread his legs, and she rewarded him by massaging his scrotum gently in her fingers. He moaned aloud.

“Perhaps you’re a little twisted yourself, Mother. I mean that as a compliment, of course.”

Enlid laughed. “Regen, there are older Priestesses who make me look positively sweet and innocent, I can assure you. Women who have been wanting to fuck for half a century and can’t decide now whether they love manflesh or hate it. Women who are half-crazy with pent up lust that has never found an adequate outlet. You can’t wait to meet them, can you? And when you do, you’ll probably wish you hadn’t. But even I can be a little more creative.”

She moved her hands and took hold of his cock for the first time, pinching the head tightly with three fingers of her left hand. She drew the nail of her right index finger slowly along the underside of his erect shaft, digging in hard enough for her touch to be painful. He gasped and squirmed, wanting her to stop, and the women both laughed at him. But when Enlid’s fingernail reached the tip of his cock, and moved away after conspiring with her thumb to deliver a final, agonising pinch, he was somehow stiffer than ever.

Enlid also released his cock with her left hand, and gave it a light sideways slap. “Enough of this, or we’ll never eat. Go get our ale, and then start on dinner.”

He looked down at himself, and then up at her in mute appeal. She gave a small sigh. “No, Regen, I’m not going to let you get dressed. I know it bothers you to be kept like this, but you’ll soon grow used to it. Besides, don’t you also find it exciting to be naked in front of two women who appreciate your body?”

“Yes, Mother,” he admitted softly.

“Then try to concentrate on the excitement, not the discomfort or humiliation or whatever else you might be feeling. Not that I particularly care how you handle it, Regen – you’re going to do as you’re told. Go now.”

“Yes, Mother.”

He was painfully self-conscious as he walked to the pantry. Perhaps it was only imagination, but he thought he could literally feel Enlid’s and Prethis’ eyes on his buttocks, watching his muscles tighten and relax with every step.