Good Guys Deserve Bad Girls


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by AP Miller

She was a succubus, a female demon who could take any form and whose sole purpose was to seduce human males and then to steal their souls.

Andrew was deeply religious, with no sexual experience other than his own fantasies. He was saving the physical side of any relationship until after he was married. He was pure.

Of course he was unable to resist her. Of course he fell under her spell. And of course he was going to lose his soul. Or was he? There was something about him that was different, and Pathrusim, the irresistible succubus, found herself with as much as she could handle – and more. And that was without the intervention of his equally beautiful and irresistible Guardian Angel.

Sex was the answer, and yet it was also the question. Sex, in all its many flavors and varieties was natural for Pathrusim and, surprisingly and despite his previous abstinence, an activity at which Andrew excelled and, even more surprisingly, about which his Guardian Angel seemed quite enthusiastic. Love, however, was totally alien to Pathrusim, but the part that Andrew’s true love and his virtue would play in the complex relationship, was to take her down a path she would never have considered possible.

Published: 8 / 2010         No. words: 31800
Style: Erotica – Erotic Romance, Science Fiction Erotica, Erotic Fantasy EX1t“I’m a succubus,” she said simply, her body continuing to writhe slowly against his groin even as her arms held him fast, seeming to need affection as much as sex at this point. “I need to have sex. I need it the way you need food.”

“What do you mean?” he asked. He squeezed her a little tighter, giving in to an impulse of… affection? She moaned softly, her body pausing in its undulations and the flow from her eyes increasing, though her shoulders stilled their shaking. He looked at her closely.

You need more than sex, don’t you? The thought came to him suddenly. Even if you can’t admit it…

“I feed off sexual energy,” she explained. Her eyes grew distant. “Back in ancient times, my kind would seduce people while they slept. There was so much… sexual repression.” She paused, as if savoring the phrase, seeming to find the thought of denied sexual release as delightful as a beaver would find the damning up of a stream to form a formidable lake. “It was easy to find a young knight or a maiden to seduce.” She sighed, lost in pleasant nostalgia. “Make them come… make them cry… then make them come again. I remember one boy, freshly knighted, so sweet… so innocent…” She shivered, gave a little shake, and her gaze grew clearer, less distant, as she pulled herself back to the unhappy present.

“Ever since the sexual revolution, though,” she continued, bitterly, “people stopped associating sex with guilt. Fewer innocents, and they were either more trouble than they were worth or they corrupted too easily… just waiting for the chance to join their peers in carnal oblivion…” Her words trailed off, her tears stopped, though judging by the death grip she had on his arms, she obviously wanted – needed – Andrew to keep holding her tight.

“Why can’t you simply sell yourself on the street?” he asked. At her sudden tensing, he added hastily, “or be a really expensive call girl?”

She sighed again. “It has to be an innocent. I have to seduce my victims, or it’s no good. I need a Mahatma Ghandi, not a Joe Stalin.”

He mulled this over. “Do I need to be corrupted for you to be fed?” he asked.

She shook her head, smiling a little. “No. You just have to be pure of heart. The purer, the better.”

“Would I still have been able to feed you, once I was damned to hell?” Andrew grilled her, struck by the new information even as he continued to hold her tightly. She twisted around in his arms, wrapping herself around him, kissing his neck. He moaned quietly, and allowed her to continue her words and seduction, though his arms remained as strong and comforting as ever.

Her lips brushed his ear in a feathery soft caress. “Let you in on a little secret.”

Andrew moaned louder, an incoherent noise of encouragement, urging her to share the secret.

No one goes to hell without a contract,” she said, then licked his lobe. Andrew made another noise, half ecstatic, half befuddled.

“Hell is for demons, not mortals. You mortals don’t go to hell unless you actually sign a contract. After that,” she said breathlessly, in between kisses and licks, “no further work is needed. You go to hell as stipulated in the contract, not because he sends you there.”

“So…” Andrew was finding it hard to think, the blood once more being stolen by the usurper. “Once I signed the contract, you’d have stopped corrupting me?”

She moaned in acknowledgement, undulating against him, her arms and legs suddenly wrapping tightly around him in imitation of his own embrace, less sexual than intimate.

“But you just agreed to stop corrupting me,” he pointed out.

“Because I’m going to make you want to come to hell with me, now.” She groaned, just before her lips fastened onto his throat and introduced him to the delights of the hickey. He cried out at the intense suction, as paralyzed by the gesture as if she had been a vampire with teeth sinking in. She lifted her head. “I’ll make you choose to stay with me for all eternity, rather than resume the cycle of death and rebirth.” She wriggled, adding for the sake of clarity, “or eventual ascent to heaven. Though that’s not as common as you Christians think. More of a Buddhist rate of occurrence.”

She looked up into his eyes, her face streaked with tears, yet because her perfection was magical rather than cosmetic, she still looked as beautiful as ever, no mascara running down her face. “Kiss me,” she said. Not demanding, not begging. A simple request… simply fulfilled. He kissed her.

And then, he kissed her again. Rolling on top of her, he pinned her down. No doubt she allowed him to pin her down, as she lay there looking submissive and helpless. She moaned as his lips moved down to her throat, and then she gasped, holding his head fast.