Seducing the Angel from Purgatory


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by Candace Smith

Essie was a pilot, flying missions against insurgents in the desert. She was efficient and beautiful, and the object of desire of every young man. She never made mistakes. Never. Except… just once, on her last mission before leaving for a new job at NASA, and it was a fatal mistake.

She kept the presence of mind to eject just in time, but then there was the insurgent with a rifle, a white flash, and then…

She was certain she was dead. There was nothing but coldness and darkness and… What was the strange creature there with her? A demon? Some sort of temptation? Some sort of test? She must be in Purgatory; there was no other explanation. And yet…

How was Essie to know that far across the Galaxy from where she made the mistake that finished her life on Earth, someone had a vision of her, a vision that had snatched her away from near-certain death? How could she possibly realize that her destiny was with a winged warrior who had waited for so long on a troubled planet of snow and crystal? How could she know that so many needed to find her, to rescue her from the darkness of the remote planet in the Dead Zone? There was no way she could be aware of her importance, or of the importance of the tiny shard of crystal in the locket around her neck. Most of all, how could she possibly know of the love that awaited her, or how she and so many others would have to fight to save so much?

Published: 5 / 2013      No. words: 61570
Style: Romance – SciFi Romance, Action/Adventure Romance EX1t

With the early flight, their goodbye sex would not be as intense as either of them would like.  “Ready to launch?” she whispered, sinking onto his cock.

She closed her eyes and pictured space.  There was emptiness around the craft with the stars in the distance and the brilliantly lit blue Earth spinning outside the window.  The light feeling of her body as she rose through the air… frozen white landscape below her.  Essie opened her eyes.  Where the hell did that come from?  For a moment, her thoughts had wandered to a place where she was flying outside the shuttle over a surface that resembled the Arctic.

Thoughts of space and the weird flash of flying disappeared when Barry gripped her hips and increased her momentum.  His cock slid up and down inside her and she felt his climax while he reached for her breasts.  Essie never orgasmed.  She did not bother to fake it, either.  It took a while for her lovers realize she enjoyed sex without the need for completion.  Somehow, it made her almost hungry and fiercer in battle.  The frustration had resolved itself long ago.  Lips, tongues, fingers, cocks… it did not matter.  There was something missing, an internal connection of some sort, that kept her from fulfillment.  The one time she had come close to a pinnacle of release was when Barry pulled a feather that had pierced through the pillow and stroked it down her body.

Essie collapsed and laid her head back on his shoulder, tilting her head to kiss his chin before closing her eyes.  Barry nodded off, thinking how much he would miss her, and moments later she too was asleep.

She was falling through the sky… faster… faster.  The freezing air burned with a billion tiny prickles of ice slivers piercing her cheeks as she passed through the clouds.  Then, she stopped.  Hanging in mid-air with the sun reflecting off the frozen land below, sharing only its light… no warmth.  And she was still hanging… in mid-air.  And there was a danger so real that the chill of it passed through her skin, her bones, and her center, as easily as she had passed through the clouds.

She was not alone, though.  He was there with her.  Beside her.  But he could not see her… and she began falling again.

But she had seen him.  Before she fell away, she had looked at his face, had seen the indigo eyes ringed with gold staring fiercely upwards towards the skies and his strong jaw set with determination.  His bared, bronzed chest reflected the light from the brilliance of the ice pillars surrounding him, muscles taut as he gripped a silver sword in his raised fist.  And his thighs… oh, god.  His thighs were so strong, with one leg bent slightly at the knee and the other straight, ready to run into battle.

Not run.  No, that wasn’t right.  For behind him, his long platinum hair wavered in the wind brushing against his wings.  He was high in the clouds… an awesome winged avenging angel.  A warrior of the light.

The man looked down, searching through the dusting of clouds and across a frozen landscape of ice and snow until his dark blue eyes seemed to reach inside her, searching for her soul.  Panic filled her as she realized she had been seen.  “Come to me.”  His voice was a fading deep echo.

“Oh, god.”  Essie awoke with a gasp and her eyes searched through the dark for remnants of the dream.  Her hand rested palm open against solid warmth of Barry’s chest and the musky scent of sex and light cologne filled her nostrils.  She inhaled, running a foot down his calf to further ground herself from the terror of falling.  She squeezed her thighs together and slowly moved her hand down.  Sliding a finger between her labia, a little lower, she was drenched and could still feel small aftershock trembles of an obvious orgasm.  “Oh, god.”

“What’s wrong,” Barry murmured, pulling her close to his chest.

She swallowed through a throat still tight with panic.  When she looked up, light from the pole outside her tent let her see his eyes were still closed.  “I think I just dreamed of the Archangel Michael.”  Shit.  No way in hell was she going to admit some dream accomplished more than any man could. Essie worked her hand up from her pussy, careful not to let her fingers close enough for him to inhale the undeniable scent.

Barry’s arm wrapped tighter and his lips brushed her hair.  Though his eyes remained closed, he smiled.  “I guess it’s rather fitting you would be dreaming of a flying warrior before your last mission.  It’s a good sign.”  A moment later, before drifting back to sleep, he whispered, “I didn’t know you were so religious.”

His soft snores rattled in his chest beneath her ear, and Essie considered her sexual response to the dream.  “Trust me, I’m not.”

It was true.  Her mother abandoned the church as quickly as it abandoned her, when she became pregnant and the father of the child disappeared.  During Essie’s childhood, her mother read her scriptures on Sunday mornings, but other than a few sporadic trips to worship with friends if she was invited to an infrequent Saturday night sleepover, Essie had no set religious beliefs.  She sort of picked out the passages she thought were neat and tried to relate to them.  Then why am I dreaming of an angel?  A gorgeously hot hunk of an angel, with eyes that burn through me and thighs of fuckin’ steel…

Essie shivered, and Barry’s arm tightened around her for a moment before relaxing into sleep again.  In the dream she was falling and, unlike Barry, she had the distinct feeling this was an ominous revelation and not the prediction of a positive outcome.  Worse, this was not the first time she had seen the fierce angel in her dreams.  It was the first time she had a sexual response to him, though, and that scared her worse than the falling.  He began to appear just after she put in the request for NASA.  And then, there were those last words her mother had spoken to her.  Fly, Essie.  I dreamed you were an angel.

It took a while for the jarring sensation that this dream angel had actually spoken to her to fade.  When she awoke in the morning, the dream was pushed to the back of her mind as she hurried through pre-flight preparations.